not good
Some of the spelling errors make it difficult to answer correctly.. ie: the answer is Mystique (pronounced Miss-teek) and the choice given is Mystic. Edit the spelling a little more closely, there are still a lot of mistakes.
When you get the answer right, during the little explanation screen, the font often gets lost or is difficult to read because it blends in with the graphic.
I liked the MiIDI from the X-men animated series at the intro, but some of the notes were transcribed incorrectly, either that or it's missing a few notes towards the change-up (the triplet section before the coda). Also, something goes wrong with the music that accompanies the game itself... it sounds like the track is playing out of sync, and it snowballs into a caucophony the longer the game goes.
Good effort man, but I'm not sure this is what this site is about. You might to do better to submit this quiz onto one of those Myspace quiz pages.
For some reason